Thursday, November 10, 2011

Eggs and Embryos

Received news today regarding my eggs and it is not good.

7 eggs were retrieved.  Only 3 (!) were mature.  All were injected with a sperm but only 2 fertilised.

Ah bless.  So disappointing.  I just do not know what went wrong.  My RE thinks she should have waited until day 11, but sadly, it is too late for hindsight.

I know that I only need one beautiful embryo to implant to make a baby, but I really had hoped that we would have more than 2 in order to make a choice regarding quality and to freeze one or more of them so that if this transfer did not take, I would not have to start injectables again.  I really, really, really wanted to do a FET (frozen embryo transfer) cycle next!  I just am devastated that I may have to start a full fresh round all over again.  I also only have 2 fresh rounds covered by Attain, so if this next round does not work either nor produce embryos for freezing, my IVF rounds will be finished.  It's so scary to think about that!

My RE recommends I transfer on day 2 now since there will not be any opportunity to "wait and see" and make a selection on which embryos are the best.  Both will be transferred regardless.

So, I am returning again to my RE's office tomorrow to have 2 embryos transferred at 1400.  I will know at that time how they have graded our embryos.  Gosh, I hope they are at least decent embryos.  My RE seems to think these two have a good chance as they look really good at this point.  Only time will tell.

All prayers and positive thoughts are well coveted.  I need all the help I can get!

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